Goals For This Blog 2023

Things I hope to have posted by the end of next year! I know it's a lofty goal to have every single author on this blog, but I don't expect it to happen, I just would like to see it get started next year. I'll finish it someday.

POEMS (possibly have a new section for poems, like I introduced a new section for plays at the end of 2022)

Edgar Allen Poe
Robert Louis Stevenson
Emily Dickinson
Robert Frost
Alfred Lord Tennyson


Virginia Woolf
Agatha Christie
Oresteia, The
 - Agamemnon
 - Women at the Graveside
 - Orestes in Athens


Edgar Allen Poe
Virginia Woolf
Agatha Christie


Virginia Woolf
Last Days of Socrates, The
 - Defense of Socrates, The
 - Euthyphro
 - Crito
101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think


Edith Wharton
Virginia Woolf
Agatha Christie
H.G. Wells

and I'd like to get most of these books posted as well; not all of them, though, because some (like The Hobbit) are too long, while others (like The Old Man and the Sea) are too boring.