1984 📖

First link has an easier layout, so it's more understandable, but the second on I find more trustworthy because it's Project Gutenberg and ik there aren't going to be any ads or any sections of the book just missing - which happens with surprising frequency with some of these free book websites. BUT if you want to have the option of quickly jumping from one chapter to another, the first link is the one you want because you can jump from chapter 1 to chapter 14 with one click, whereas the second link is like my blog, where you have to scroll and scroll until you find your spot again. Which is really annoying, but some sites don't have the option of jumping from one place to another (trust me, I've fiddled with the html on this thing so often, I'm surprised it has as few glitches as it does. It's harder than I thought, to tell the computer to jump to this section when someone clicks that button).

Anyway. User discretion would apply here, except there are no ads so it's not really discretion it's just which would you rather, a user-friendly website or a reliable website (if you're having a hard time choosing, I personally would choose the user-friendly website, bc it'll make your life a heck ton easier).

Update: I got to part 2, chapter 9 using the first link and the end of the chapter is just missing. The rest of the book is intact but idk where ch 9 went. I had to use the second link (Project Gutenberg) to finish it.

LINK. Project Gutenberg Australia - http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100021.txt

differences on the Pride and Prejudice versions, and my thoughts on all of them

Differences on the different Pride and Prejudice versions, and my thoughts on all of them ("all" as in the 1940 version, the 1995 version, and the 2005 version, complete with links. Actually not complete, but has a couple links here and there).

Opening thoughts so you know where I stand:
I think Mr. Darcy is supposed to be 1) attractive and 2) aloof. And the 2005 Mr. Darcy was neither one of those. From what I remember, he was pretty quick to get over his pride. And ik that's because they were trying to make a short version so that people could watch and not take a huge chunk of time out of their day but it still undermines the whole point of the book - you're supposed to be able to see how much he's changed from the beginning and if he changes too fast than it's not all that different from anyone else who first didn't like you and now does. It just seems like the Mr. Darcy from the 1995 version was more interesting because of how long it takes him to get over his dislike and distaste for lower-class people. The newer Mr. Darcy doesn't seem like he even sees their lower class because he's so ready to become friends with them if you know what I mean. If you don't, feel free to get in touch, and we can argue, I'm willing to take any 2005 fans on because they're all fake P&P fans anyway.

OK, so I watched the 1940 first proposal and here is the first thing that comes to mind:

Death in the Clouds 📖

I usually just google the name and the author and tack on "read free online", which is what I did this time and stumbled on English e-Reader which I've used in the past to find English books I can't find anywhere else (there were a couple Agatha Christies). That's the first link. The second one has drawings from Death in the Clouds that are all at the beginning, before the first chapter. English e-Reader's book doesn't have the drawings or the list of characters and chapters, it just jumps into the story. The last link has a poorly-put-together book - the words runinto each other likethis and itsreally hard toreadif you want to. So if you want the list of characters, look at the last link. If you want to have an easy time reading, download the book with the first link.

Just a warning, if you're going to use the first link, use the "download: epub", don't read the "read online" button (use the middle one, not the first one) because then it'll take you to a 403 error and say you have to login to read which is dumb because you can just download the book but k.

LINK. https://english-e-reader.net/book/death-in-the-clouds-agatha-christie (this one will download using your computer's built-in "book software" - for Samsung it's Adobe Flash Reader, for Mac it's iBooks and idk about PC but they probably have something for this too)

LINK. https://reader.bookmate.com/BKxLQnSG (this layout is basically like iBooks/AFR/Kindle but online and not easy to read)

What are the emojis in the title for?

When The Sea Turned to Silver: Overview


This is like the other two, for those of you who have already read the book. I was really confused as to what was going on and then the more and more I read, each time I read the book, it became clearer and clearer and the pieces of the whole series finally started to fit and come together. So my review isn't so much what I liked about it or what is so great about it (because that's NOT what I want this blog to be) - it's more of a tutorial, or a step-by-step instruction kit so you can put the puzzle together yourself. Warning, it's going to be long. That said...

Starry River of the Sky: Overview

MAJOR SPOILERS. This review is only for people who have already read it and want to know more about how this story ties into the first book, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon.

Here we come to the second book of the series.

It all starts with Rendi, son of Nobody and his wife Nothing. Wait no that's Mara.

So Rendi arrives at the Village of Clear Sky (not to get mixed up with the Village of the Moon Rain), and all we know about him is that he's running away (like Minli!) and that he's wealthy (not like Minli: not used to chores, pg 21. And pg 20, scoffs the "best room in the inn" bc it's not even as good as his father's servants' rooms). But as he stays longer and longer and learns more and more, he starts sounding awfully familiar . . .