1984 📖

First link has an easier layout, so it's more understandable, but the second on I find more trustworthy because it's Project Gutenberg and ik there aren't going to be any ads or any sections of the book just missing - which happens with surprising frequency with some of these free book websites. BUT if you want to have the option of quickly jumping from one chapter to another, the first link is the one you want because you can jump from chapter 1 to chapter 14 with one click, whereas the second link is like my blog, where you have to scroll and scroll until you find your spot again. Which is really annoying, but some sites don't have the option of jumping from one place to another (trust me, I've fiddled with the html on this thing so often, I'm surprised it has as few glitches as it does. It's harder than I thought, to tell the computer to jump to this section when someone clicks that button).

Anyway. User discretion would apply here, except there are no ads so it's not really discretion it's just which would you rather, a user-friendly website or a reliable website (if you're having a hard time choosing, I personally would choose the user-friendly website, bc it'll make your life a heck ton easier).

Update: I got to part 2, chapter 9 using the first link and the end of the chapter is just missing. The rest of the book is intact but idk where ch 9 went. I had to use the second link (Project Gutenberg) to finish it.

LINK. Project Gutenberg Australia - http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100021.txt

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