list of 1,150 movies to watch for free

I haven't tried any of them, but if you have a movie on this list, tell me if it works lol


huge list 📜 free online watching sites

from this list:

I got to these sites (some are apps, but you can access them all online like you would a site. You still have to sign up for all but YouTube - howeverrrr, I've been using Peacock, Pluto TV, Tubi TV, and IMDb TV for like a year and love each of them for the different things they offer so I'd say it was worth downloading or at least using the resources they provide).

all links open in new tabs. Categorized list at very end of posty post

SHAPE x Jen Widerstrom ✨ 40-Day Progress Planner ✨ (PDF)

This has basically everything you need in a journal, so if you can't afford Blogilates' $20 90-Day Journal ($25 after tax if you live in the US), or you're unsure if that kind of thing is right for you, or if you bought it and wish you had a little something else, try Jen Widerstrom's 40-Day Progress Journal that she put together with SHAPE.

This planner includes:

- monthly planner
- hydration tracker
- grocery list builder
- sleep tracker
- guidelines for making/building/maintaining your goals
- stocking your fridge help and guidelines
- reflection
- workout tracker
- workout builder
- body reset help and guidelines
- a night in routine and guidelines
- reflection sections (and guidelines!)
- food prep helper
- recipes
- recipe builder
- mood makeover section
- workout discovery section (where you find a wko that best fits your mood that day)
- how-to on controlling cravings
- "wheel of fitness"
- motivation section
- recharge section
- reading list
- vision board
- self-care day/night "routine" builder


Watch A Series Of Unfortunate Events (Netflix) Free Online 🎥

Season One

Season Two

Season Three