SHAPE x Jen Widerstrom ✨ 40-Day Progress Planner ✨ (PDF)

This has basically everything you need in a journal, so if you can't afford Blogilates' $20 90-Day Journal ($25 after tax if you live in the US), or you're unsure if that kind of thing is right for you, or if you bought it and wish you had a little something else, try Jen Widerstrom's 40-Day Progress Journal that she put together with SHAPE.

This planner includes:

- monthly planner
- hydration tracker
- grocery list builder
- sleep tracker
- guidelines for making/building/maintaining your goals
- stocking your fridge help and guidelines
- reflection
- workout tracker
- workout builder
- body reset help and guidelines
- a night in routine and guidelines
- reflection sections (and guidelines!)
- food prep helper
- recipes
- recipe builder
- mood makeover section
- workout discovery section (where you find a wko that best fits your mood that day)
- how-to on controlling cravings
- "wheel of fitness"
- motivation section
- recharge section
- reading list
- vision board
- self-care day/night "routine" builder


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"The true writer has nothing to say. What counts is the way he says it." ~ Alain Robbe-Grillet